Monday, April 14, 2008


We have been friends for 11 years now. She was a 'street hostess' who used to throw her arms around me on the street corner and greet me with enormous hugs.
Had a call from her a few weeks ago.(Yes we still keep in touch) She wanted me, along with my wife to come to an engagement party. It was great to see her happy at last.
Today I got a text from her and she asked if I would 'Marry her'. After the response, 'I'm already married' and I imagine hoots of laughter I texted again to say I would be delighted.
It's been 11 long years but I am learning that often God does some of his best work over a long period of time.
He made the world in six days but His crowning Glory was mankind.
It's taken Him over 60 years to knock the rough edges off this bloke!

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